Friday, January 26, 2018

Mrs. Zalesky’s Kindergarten News
Friday, January 26th, 2018

Special’s Rotation
Mon. PE
Tues. Art
Wed. Music
Thurs.  Library
 Fri. Computer

***The 100th DAY of School will be on Tuesday, February 6th!!!***
Please have your child bring in his/her BIG 100 DAY PROJECT on Tuesday to share with their friends!J
            We will be celebrating our BIG 100thDAY OF SCHOOL on Tuesday, February 6th!  It seems hard to believe that so much time has gone by already!  I hope you have fun making your 100 Day projects with your child.  It will be so much fun to see all of the neat ideas that your child and you come up with and they always love sharing them with their friends!  We will also be visiting other Kindergarten rooms for some fun 100 Day activities.  It will be a very special day!!! J

**Just a reminder that Yearbook Orders are due Friday, February 9th also if you would like to order.

***Our Valentine’s Day Party will be on Wednesday, February 14th at a different time from 1:00-1:45 because there will be early dismissal at 2:00 that day.
I hope you can join us for the fun!!!J
Our Valentine’s Day Party will be here on Tuesday, Feb. 14thIf you think you will be able to come to help out, please contact our room mom LaShonda Jackson and her email is  .   You are all welcome to come and thanks so much for all of your help and support at home! J
            Of course the kids are very excited about our Valentine’s Day Party that will be coming very soon on Wednesday, Feb. 14th!  I will be sending home a list of names of the kids in our classroom and some of their other teachers in case they want them.  Please have your child try to write the names on his/her valentines.  It will provide good practice in letter recognition, handwriting and name recognition.  You may want to start as soon as they come home since some children will only want to write a few names a day. 
As you know, I sent home a list of all of our sight words that we have covered  as well as the new ones that have not been introduced.  Hopefully you have seen the list and have a chance to start reviewing them.J  Our new words this week were:  of  so  is  where  how  many.  The kids are VERY excited to learn their new “popcorn” words every week and doing so well with their reading!!!J   We have practiced writing them and then using them in sentences.  The kids are doing a great job!!!  Please ask your child about them and add the new words to your list at home to go over each day for homework.  Thank you so much for helping your child build his/her confidence and become a better reader.  That extra practice is making a tremendous difference that I can already see when we work with the words at school! J
            Along with all of our special days coming up, it will be time for testing for our progress report soon!  Please be reviewing all of the letters and sounds that we will have studied already , numbers 1-20 (recognizing and writing for both letters and numbers), counting up to 75, printing first and last name, and the color words along with the sight words that we have covered  on our list.  I will start testing on the sight words and send home their progress sheets on how they are doing.   Our goal for the end of Kindergarten is to count to 100 and know all of the sight words.  Thanks so much for all of your help!!J
Next week we will be studying the letter Gg.
***Congratulations to this week’s “Star Students”

Jakobi    Olivia   Ellie    Danielle