Monday, December 3, 2018

Mrs. Zalesky’s Kindergarten News
Friday, November 30th, 2018
Special’s Rotation

Mon.        PE  (Please wear tennis shoes)

Tues.       Art   

Wed.        Music

Thurs.     Library (please return books)

Fri.          Computer

**I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving and holiday weekend!J

***Just a reminder that the PTC Gingerbread House Decorating Night is tonight from 6:00-8:00!J
The base of the house, graham crackers and icing will all be provided so all you need to bring are your decorating goodies!  The cost is $5.00 per house.  The Glee will be performing at 6:00.
The kids are doing a great job of trying to zip and snap their coats for this chilly season!  If your child is still struggling though, please help him/her practice at home.  It takes us awhile to get these little ones ready to go outside! Please be sure to mark gloves, hats, coats and anything else that is brought to school because a lot of things are already getting misplaced.  With so many children, things get lost so easily.  Thank You!!! J
Remember that the reading sheets can be turned in at anytime even if it is past the date.  Thank you for working on the gingerbread boys and girls for the family project during this busy time.  I can't wait to see all of them and I hope your family has fun working on them!
          Please continue to keep working on our monthly popcorn words and reviewing all of our old ones also.  The kids are doing a fantastic job with them and I appreciate all of your extra help at home!!!J
          You all should have received our new December Gingerbread Man Family Project this week.. If not, please just let me know and I can send one home for you.  They can be returned whenever they are finished!  The kids are always so excited to share them with their friends!!!J  

Next week we will be studying the letter Hh.
**Congratulations to this week’s “Star Students”
Ava     Beau     Ailynn    Da’Riya     Samuel