Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Mrs. Zalesky’s Kindergarten News
Thursday, February 28th, 2019


Special’s Rotation

Mon.            PE(please wear tennis shoes)             

Tues.           Art   

Wed.           Music
Thurs.         Library(return library books)  
Fri.              Computer

***Friday, March 8th is WS Family Reading Night from 6:00-8:00!

***Today was the LAST DAY to donate to help the Make a Wish Foundation for this area with our THANKS TO YOU WISHES COME TRUE FUNDRAISER and get a chance to earn prizes and the BIG PRIZES of Movie Gift Cards!!! 
Each dollar brought in earns a raffle ticket and is a big help to
our local foundation!  A HUGE THANK YOU to all who donated!!!J      
Saturday, March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday so we will be celebrating and talking a lot about rhyming with all of his books.  I have sent out a Dr. Seuss Special Readers sign-up to come in and read your favorite Dr. Seuss book!  Please sign up for a time that works best for you and if you can’t find a spot, just let me know and we will work it in!J  You can either bring your favorite Dr. Seuss book to read, or you can choose one of mine to read!  Siblings are welcome to come along too!  The kids are so very excited for have special guest readers!!!J

          The kids are doing a wonderful job on their Popcorn Words!  I will continue checking them each week and send a progress sheet home so you can see how your child is doing.  Thanks so much for all of your hard work helping your child to learn our words that I have been sending home each month!  Extra reinforcement at home makes a tremendous difference!!!J

*Thank you so much to everyone who sent in opposites for our special show and share today! 
It’s such a fun way for the kids to learn more about what opposites are!J

Next week we will be studying the letter Pp.
`***Congratulations to this week’s “Star Students”
Shayne    Kimora    Ailynn