Friday, April 26, 2019

Mrs. Zalesky’s Kindergarten News
Friday, April 26th, 2019

Special’s Rotation

Mon.         PE(please wear tennis shoes)                  

Tues.        Art  
Wed.          Music(return books)   
Thurs.       Library            
Fri.           Computer                 

***A HUGE THANKS to all of our chaperones who were able to join us today!!!  The kids had a FANTASTIC TIME on our field trip to the Science Center!  We couldn’t have done it without you!!!!!J  Be sure to ask your kiddo what they learned today!J

The last 2 weeks have been super busy with Easter and now with the field trip!  We will carry over letter Vv to next week and be talking more about volcanoes.  Thanks so much for all of your help at home completing the homework each week to practice handwriting and reinforcing our letters.  It makes a tremendous amount of difference!J
Please keep working on those popcorn words that have been introduced.  Extra practice is really needed since we have so many words to learn to get ready for 1st Grade.  Thank you so very much!!!J
***Just to let you know, next week will be the last day we will be checking out library books.

Next week we will be studying letters Vv and Ww, talking about volcanoes and doing a lot of popcorn word practice.