Monday, May 20, 2019

Mrs. Zalesky’s Kindergarten News
Friday, May 17th, 2019
Special’s Rotation

Mon.         PE(please wear tennis shoes)                     

Tues.        Art  
Wed.          Music      
Thurs.       Library(return books)           
Fri.           Computer                 

***Dates to Remember***

***Our Last Day of School will be Wednesday, May 29th
 and the kids will be dismissed at 12:00.

***Tuesday, May 21st is our School Carnival!!!J
Kindergarten will eat at 11:00 and then at 11:15 it will be Kindergarten’s turn to play at the Carnival!  You are welcome to come and walk around with your child and siblings are welcome too.J  If it rains, everything will be moved into the gym.  You are welcome to come to eat and join your child for some fun activities!  A huge thanks to all of you for your help!   Mr. Rakers and Mr. Johnson will be grilling hotdogs for our lunch.  Your child can either bring his/her lunch or have a hotdog. If you would like to come and eat lunch with your child on Tuesday, adult lunches are $2.85, but you will need to let me know by today, or you can bring your own lunch. Thanks!  **The book fair will be open during the Carnival for anyone who would like to bring their child there and continues through Wednesday!

***I wanted to thank all of you for taking the extra time to make those fabulous timelines and for all of your hard work with the family projects every month!  You have been so wonderful and supportive at home throughout this whole year that words just cannot express how much I appreciate all of you!!!J
***Our 6 baby caterpillars that grew very quickly into very LARGE caterpillars have all spun their chrysalis!  Now, we are just anxiously awaiting the hatching our beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies next week!!!J

Next week we will be studying the Letter Zz and doing fun summer activities!
***Congratulations to this week’s “Star Students”
Ava    Linden    Shayne    Evan