Thursday, February 27, 2020

Mrs. Zalesky’s Kindergarten News
Thursday, February 27th, 2020

Special’s Rotation

Mon.         Computer         

Tues.        PE(wear tennis shoes)     

Wed.        Art  
Thurs.      Music       
Fri.           Library(please return books)   

**Reminder – No School Tomorrow Feb. 28th
Teacher Institute

***To celebrate Dr. Seuss’ Birthday, we will be having a fun dress up week to go along with some of his amazing books!!!

Monday  Cat in the Hat   Wear stripes or red and white!
Tuesday  Green Eggs and Ham   Wear green!
Wednesday  Fox in Socks   Wear mixmatched/crazy socks!
Thursday  If I Ran The Zoo   Wear animal print or camouflage!
Friday-  The Sleep Book   Wear pajamas or comfy clothes!

Monday, March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' birthday so we will be celebrating and talking a lot about rhyming with all of his books.  I am sending home a Dr. Seuss Special Reader’s sign-up sheet so you will have the opportunity to come in and read your favorite Dr. Seuss book to our class!  The kids are really looking forward to it!  Please sign up for a time that works best for you and if you can’t find a spot, just let me know and we will work it in!

            The kids are doing a wonderful job on their Popcorn Words!  I will continue checking them each week and send a progress sheet home so you can see how your child is doing.  Thanks so much for all of your hard work working with them at home.  It truly does make such a tremendous difference!!! 

***A HUGE THANKS to all of you for helping your child find opposites to bring in!  The kids had so much fun with their hands-on learning today!

***Our rest towels will be coming home for a cleaning today.
 Please return them on Monday, thanks!
Next week we will be studying the letter Pp.
`***Congratulations to this week’s “Star Students”
Arianna     Brayden     Kristine     Chase    Ja’Shyah