Friday, September 13, 2019

Mrs. Zalesky’s Kindergarten News
Friday, September 13th, 2019
Special’s Rotation
Mon.                Computer                  
Tues.               PE (wear tennis shoesJ)    
Wed.               Art     
Thurs.             Music
Fri.                  Library (please return booksJ)

***Early Dismissal on Wednesday, Sept. 18th at 2:00

***Our WS Spaghetti Dinner will be coming up on October 9th from 4:30-7:00!!!

***Kindergarten Grandparent Lunch will be next Friday, September 20th at 12:30.
Grandparents, aunts, uncles, or parents are invited to come and eat lunch with your child.  Adults will need to bring their own lunch, but you are also able to bring lunch for your child if you would like.  Try to arrive about 15-20 minutes early just to check in with the office and find out where to go.J

    ***Please remember to check your email about our classroom blog!  I had sent out a lot of invitations last week, but I added some more this week.  If you did not receive an email, please go to the WS Website http// then go to Kindergarten, next classrooms and you will find my name.J I have taken a picture of all of my kiddos who brought their book treasure box back to school and will be putting their pictures on our blog, so be sure to check it out because they all look AMAZING!J
       Please keep reviewing all of the letters and sounds of the alphabet, numbers 0-10, shapes, colors (and now we are learning color words), counting to at least 25 and AB patterning along with the new sight words (popcorn words) that have been introduced.  We met our first popcorn (sight) word this week: I.  Please be watching for the the black and white easy reader books that will be coming home.  Please have your child read their book to you, whoever he/she hears them read please sign your names, have your child return them for a treat, and then they can bring their book home to start their collection for their book treasure box at home!!! ThanksJ
     Starting today there will be a special visitor who will start going home on the weekends!   His name is Brennan Bear and he is our classroom mascot!J  Each Friday I will draw a different name and that child will have the opportunity to bring Brennan Bear home and spend the whole weekend together!  He has his own special backpack with a binder inside where you can write down everything that Brennan and your child did during their special time together!  We want to know about all the fun that they had!!!  Your child will also be “Student of the Week” for that coming week.  There will be special papers in the binder for you to fill in telling us all about your child.  You are also welcome to send in any special pictures of your child that he/she would like to have displayed in the room during his/her special week!  If you take any pictures of your child with Brennan Bear, you are welcome to attach them to your child’s page in the binder or send them in to put up in the room.  Brennan Bear will come back on Mondays, and your child will get to share all of the neat things that they did together from their journal page along with looking at their pictures and paper for “Student of the Week” and “All About Me Poster”.  The kids are so excited!!! 
***Next week we will be studying the letters Qq-Uu.
***Congratulations to this week’s “Star Students”
Ja’Shyah    Kaleigh    Chase    Kristine